Food Day: OCTOBER 24
Toward a Greener Diet
What is Food Day?
Food Day inspires Americans to change their diets and our food policies. Created by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest and driven by a diverse coalition of food movement leaders and citizens, Food Day aims to bring us closer to a food system with real and healthy food that is produced with care for the environment, animals, and the women and men who grow, harvest, and serve it. Food Day 2015 will focus on greener diets as a way to address both health and environmental issues.
Why should I get involved?
Food Day is a chance to celebrate what our food system does right and take action to address the pressing food issues we face:
• Poor diets cause widespread obesity, diabetes, and other diet- related diseases.
• Millions of Americans struggle with food insecurity and hunger.
• Vital food safety and anti-hunger programs are constantly under attack in Washington.
• Many food and farm workers still labor in unfair, unsafe conditions, and animal welfare is often ignored.
The good news? By collaborating on events like Food Day, we can build the momentum needed to change the American food system.
Some benefits of participation in Food Day:
• Connection to other food activists through the Food Day network.
• Presence on the national map at or on the blog.
• Access to Food Day online resources and print materials.
Who is partnering with Food Day?
Food Day's national partners (100+) include the American Public Health Association, Jamie Oliver Food Foundation (USA), Share Our Strength, and many others. Notable food movement leaders such as Morgan Spurlock and Michael Pollan serve on our Advisory Board. Find a list of our partners and advisors at
How can I participate?
In 2015, Food Day seeks to inspire community action in every city and state in the country, with individuals and organizations coming together on and around October 24 to learn, debate, and mobilize to create a just food system, improve the American diet, and raise awareness about the critical importance of food education in schools. Here are some ways you can get involved:
• Become a volunteer community coordinator or connect with a coordinator in your area.
• Host an event, whether it is a private healthy potluck dinner using Food Day recipes, a film screening, rally, or other activity, and post it on the map.
• Check out Food Day resources for more ideas. The Food Day team is here to support your organizing with informational webinars and guides for schools, campuses, media, and more.
• Sign up for email updates through, follow @FoodDay2015 on Twitter, and "Like" Food Day on Facebook!
Visit to become a host or coordinator, email us at, or call 202-777-8392.